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Workshop no Global Health Conference 2013 em Lisboa

De 17.11.2013 a 22.11.2013

Inserido na Global Health Conference 2013 o Tice.Healthy organiza o Workshop " Platform: your ecosystem of applications and ICT services for Health and Quality of Life".

O Worshop decorrerá no dia 20 de novembro no Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN).

Conheça o programa e participe:

Beginning at 13h45
I) Overview of the platform and business ideas for an ecosystem of smart and innovative ICT services, applications and products for the Health and Aging Well market. (45 min)
• platform - general aspects (João Quintas – Project Manager of the Tice.Healthy project / Instituto Pedro Nunes - IPN)
• platform - business models (António Cunha – Vice director of Laboratory for Automation / Instituto Pedro Nunes - IPN)
• platform in the context of national and European health strategies (José Carlos Nascimento - Universidade do Minho)
II) Successful case studies and applications using the platform (30 min)
• The Caregiver perspective
• Developing Countries perspective