Calendário Concursos

a - Abertura
f - Fecho

Bolsa de Investigação | IBCM

De 26.12.2011 a 10.01.2012
  • Ciência e Conhecimento , Compete
  • Bolsas

Encontra-se aberto um concurso para a atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação no âmbito do projecto "Unveiling the thymic interleukin 7 niche in vivo - A framework to study the cellular and molecular control of a master regulator of Tlymphopoiesis”.

A Fellowship is open for recruitment of a Research fellow to collaborate in the Project "Unveiling the thymic interleukin 7 niche in vivo - A framework to study the cellular and molecular control of a master regulator of Tlymphopoiesis”. The project is financed by the program “COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade” in its FEDER component and by the Foundation for Science and Technology budget in its OE component.

Instituição de contacto:  Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular – IBMC
Applications and supporting documentation – motivation letter and CV are mandatory - are only accepted via the online application system
